Pelton and Crane Delta 10 XL
30 Days Warranty
Better Alternative:
MIDMARK M9 Classic Style Autoclave.
The Delta XL10 Steam Autoclave is a fully automated tabletop sterilizer designed for the active surgery center, medical practice, dental office, veterinary facility, industrial lab, doctor’s clinic, or tattoo establishment.
The quick cycle time works well for large volume facilities that you would expect to find in a dental setting or manufacturing process. This steam pressure machine makes an ideal sterilization tool for any clinic or a backup autoclave for larger operations.
Pelton & Crane Delta XL10 Autoclave Features
- One custom and four automatic pre-programmed sterilization settings allow you to select the appropriate cycle according to type of load.
- Variable timed drying cycle saves time by giving the operator the flexibility to set drying time according to load size.
- Automatic chamber preheat maximizes productivity by shortening cycle times.
- Filtered air drying ensures wet packs and pouches will dry without compromising the sterility of instruments by airborne contaminants.
- Electronic temperature and time control systematically monitor sterilization conditions in the chamber to ensure cycle completion.
- Digital function display allows easy and accurate monitoring of sterilization cycle.
- New, bright graphics ensure that the display is easy to read.
- Adjustable drying time to meet user needs (0 – 99 minutes).
- Slim footprint allows placement on standard 30″ counter top.
- Designed and built to ASME specifications.